Monday, June 24, 2013

Next Stop: Swaziland!

Well, this is it, I guess. All goodbyes have been said, everything has been packed and loaded, my room is cleaned out and my things are neatly stored, and I will soon spend my last night at home.

Tomorrow, I leave for Philadelphia, with takeoff at 6:59am. Wednesday morning we leave for South Africa (Johannesburg) to catch a connection to Matsapha, Swaziland. Then training begins.

You won't hear from me for awhile. This is normal, and is no indication of how I am doing. Immersion is very important to cultural understanding, and being on the internet writing home is not a part of immersion. My contact with home will be extremely limited during training, and I will probably not post on here or Facebook for a few weeks.

Training ends with a swearing in ceremony in August, and I should resume blogging and emailing and Facebooking at that point, living conditions permitting.

I'll talk to you all later from Swaziland!