Friday, June 28, 2013

Arrived and Safe

Swaziland is beautiful.

Training looks like it is going to be really intense, but right now the Peace Corps has been letting us rest.  We have been traveling on only 2-3 hours of sleep per night for a few days, but last night I got to sleep for 10 hours.

We are currently staying in a dorm-style setting at a training center, but that is going to change on July 2nd, when we go to one of two villages to train. Health volunteers go to one, and youth development volunteers go to the other.

There isn’t much to say yet, as I haven’t been here long. My group of volunteers contains the most amazing people. The food is fantastic. The country is welcoming, gorgeous, and totally not that cold for it being winter. The people who defined cold have probably not seen winter in Indiana.

I’ll post more when there is more to say. For now, everything is fantastic.


  1. "Swaziland is beautiful." What a great first three words to read about your arrival! And then to read, "The food is fantastic." Wow! An experience well begun!

  2. Hello,

    My name is Diana, I'm nineteen, from Illinois. I'm currently studying in my second year at Waterford in Mbabane. I'm part of an anti-human trafficking group here at school that is just getting off the ground and looking for ways to get involved with the community.

    If you know where/with who/how we could get involved, or if you have any contacts that you think we should try instead, please contact let us know at . Thank you so much for racking your brain for us! Looking forward hearing back, hope you'll grow (or you've grown, I suppose) to love Swaziland as much as I have!

