Tuesday, December 10, 2013

A Birthday/Christmas Wish

Family and Friends,

Many of you have asked what to send over here for my birthday and for Christmas. While items from America would make me very happy, and I would appreciate it very much, I have but one Christmas wish.

Living in Southern Africa is something I will never do again. It allows me to take a myriad of trips to many nearby countries, and every trip is a once-in-a-lifetime experience. Below, you will find detailed itineraries for the big trip I have planned at present. If you’re interested, sponsoring an activity would be much appreciated, and would be a whole lot cheaper than shipping anything over here anyway. If you are interested, checks can be mailed to my mom, who is kindly taking care of all my banking while I am away and unable to do it.

You’ll get the coolest thank you cards ever, by the way!

Cape Town and the Wild Coast, South Africa                                      April 18-28
Cost (USD)
Friday, April 18
Fly to Johannesburg

Ride up to the top of Table Mountain

Check into Bohemian Loft Backpackers (A former museum of contemporary art!)
4 nights at $12 each = $48
Saturday, April 19
Visit the Lion’s Head

Sunday, April 20
Visit Robben Island to see the prison where Nelson Mandela was held during Apartheid

Visit Boulder’s Beach to see wild penguins
Monday, April 21
Cheetah petting

District 6 Museum

Tuesday, April 22
Head to the Winelands for a wine tour – this is in Stellenbosch

Stay at Stumble Inn Backpackers
Wednesday, April 23
Begin road trip down the coast – First stop is The Crags

Dyer Island

Shark Cage Diving

Check in to Wild Spirit Grassroots Backpackers
2 nights at $10 each = $20
Thursday, April 24
Birds of Eden


Elephant Sanctuary

Riding an elephant

Bloukrans bungee jump

(Or, if bungee jumping is too scary, hike to the top just to look down)
Friday, April 25
Check into Aardvark Guest House and Backpackers in Addo
Saturday, April 26
Check into the Coffee Shack on Coffee Bay (Wanna know the address? It is, and I kid you not: On The Beach, Coffee Bay, Wild Coast. For real.)
Sunday, April 27
Check into Happy Hippo Backpackers in Durban

uShaka Marine World

Victoria St. Market

Roma revolving restaurant
Monday, April 28
Return to Swaziland

Total Budget, including car rental, gas, and other not previously listed expenses

I have tentative other trips planned for my second year in Swaziland. I’d love to go sand surfing in Namibia, ring in the New Year in Mozambique, take a safari in Kruger National Park in South Africa, visit beautiful Botswana, attend a malaria conference in Senegal, and play around Swaziland (natural hot springs, caving, climbing the steepest rock face in the world, doing a 5K, attending incwala/umhlanga, and many other cultural experiences). As you can see from the prices above, traveling here is pretty affordable on the US dollar, but as I am a volunteer, I have a very modest stipend in Emalangeni, not US dollars.

Your support makes all this possible. I’m not just talking about the traveling – I’m talking about surviving each and every day in a culture where women are subservient to men, sexual harassment is the norm, people speak a different language, my culture is misunderstood, I work hard for people who have a different definition of working hard, and I see a lot of children struggling with the challenges of being orphans and extreme poverty. Without support, staying here and continuing to work to develop sustainable projects to make Swaziland a better place would not be possible. This is one tough job, and I appreciate everything you do for me from that side.

1 comment:

  1. Cheetah petting? You live with mambas (no ordinary snakes, for you), tarantulas, scorpions, what am I leaving out? And you want to take a trip just to annoy a giant cat?!! Wow...you're my hero.
