Friday, October 4, 2013

Swazi English

We all know that British English is different from American English, and might expect that Swazis would speak British English because that’s who colonized this region. After living here for 3 months, I can say that Swazi English is a language all it’s own. Below are some examples of how Swazis speak.

Americans say…
Swazis say…
Quotes from Swazis
This side
Come this side. I want to show you something.
That side
Go that side to get to Maputo.
Too much
You are too much clever. It is too much hot.
Pickup truck
You can hire a van to transport small furniture.
Flatbed truck
Peace Corps moved us to site using a lorry.
You are cold. Put on a jersey. (Yes, they do tell me that I am cold when I am not. When I tell them I am not, they tell me I am wrong and insist I go get a jersey.)
Do you want to bath now?
Various expletives
Eish! I almost got hit by that bus!
How! You cannot hand out Bibles in schools in America?
A polite request
You must give me a job. You must give me that wallet. You must teach this one English. You must put on a jersey. You must give me 5 rand.
Various nouns
I-various nouns
Iwater bottle, imarker, ibed, iblanket, etc.
Him and her
Make (mother) wants you to give him a tea bag. He wants to make for babe (father).
Thank you
Their surnames
Hlatjwago. This chocolate is very nice.
Really freaking huge spider
That small one
Oh, you are scared of that small one? They get much bigger than that.
Take a test
Write an exam
In November, we write our exams and then we have a break.
Hey, sexy.
I love you. Please marry me.
You are so beautiful. I love you. Are you for sale? Please marry me. How many cows to marry you?
Will you please loan me?
Please borrow me
Please borrow me some matches. Please borrow me some cooking oil. (No, this is not a question. It is an order. They do not accept no easily.)
Next week Monday
Next Monday
Are you working next week Monday?
Half past 9
The bus leaves at half past 9.
Thank you
Is there more?
Why have you given me one orange? Why have you not given me two? Do you have more?
We are having a braai next week Monday.
All the youth do is smoke dagga and refuse to work.
Hard cider
Hunter’s is beer for women.
Castle is one of my favorite ciders.
You’re cute. Can I get your number?
I want to be your friend. Give me your number.
I just want to be your friend. Maybe your husband. Give me your number. You must give it to me. We cannot be friends if you do not, and we are already friends. Fine. Well, can I buy some airtime from you? What’s your number?
What’s a restroom? Do you mean you have to go to the toilet? There’s a free one at the library. Otherwise, they cost 50 cents.
That’s nice.
That’s beautiful.
Your laptop is beautiful. Your bucket is beautiful. Your pants are beautiful. This food is beautiful.
Is the food nice? I tried to make it nice for you. Oh, it’s only delicious? I will make it nice next time.
You spell that name T-h-a-k-o-zed-i-l-e.
Sports team
Orlando Pirates or the Kaiser Chiefs
Do you like the Orlando Pirates? I like them. Did you see their hat in Shoprite? I have an Orlando Pirates belt buckle.
Track and field
Our school’s first term sports are football and athletics.
I missed the bus
The bus left me
I was only 15 minutes late! Can you believe the bus left me?
Do you love carrots? Do you love driving a car? Do you love that man over there? (Swazis use love for everything!)

A lot of the phrasing here that sounds rude to American ears is simply an issue of being lost in translation. English is taught a certain way, and that is just the way it is spoken here. In addition, it is worth noting that Swazis show respect with gestures, whereas Americans show it with words. When shaking hands, you support the right hand with the left hand here. Ordering people around is not disrespectful - accepting a gift with your left hand is. It's different, and I hope that this has not given anyone a negative impression.
The pickup lines here are ones only used in jokes in America. I got two good ones this month. The first was in Boxer, a grocery store in Simunye. A man followed me for three aisles saying, “Rose? Rose?” I did not answer because I did not know he was talking to me. I caught on, and turned to look at him. “Isn’t your name Rose?” he asked me. I responded in the negative. He then said: “Oh, but you must forgive my mistake, for you are more beautiful than a rose.” I walked away without saying anything else.

Another was when I was walking in Siteki, my shopping town. A man shouted at me across the street: “Hello! How are you?” I responded that I was fine. He then gave me this gem: “I’m Trevor, and I like what I see!” I again walked on. The trick with these men is to just keep moving. I’ll do another post on the sexual harassment here – it really is something else.

Names are also interesting here. On my homestead surveys, I have met Lucky (male), Linda (male), Belly (female), Chenneth (male, and it was spelled like that), Girlie (female), Comfort (male), and many others. Something gets lost in translation over here at times. Names of stars are different too. Leon Rich is Lionel Ritchie, and there are other examples. It makes conversations very challenging because I can’t tell if I know what they are talking about or not.

There are also intersections with the culture. One of my Volunteer friends was playing football (soccer) with some Swazis. The ball was punctured. He commented that they need a new ball. In this culture, that is not an observation, but a promise to buy them a new one. They harassed him until he caved. I was asked by the police chief to buy cars, uniforms, and walkie-talkies for his force. I told him that Peace Corps is about teaching and training. He then told the Inner Council that I had promised to train all his new officers. It is a culture that will look for any chance to take you for all you are worth at times, and if they cannot get you for all you are worth then they will take as much as they can get.

I’m still learning Siswati, but I spend just as much time learning Swazi English and the tricks of Swazi culture. It’s harder than you’d think!


  1. I love this post! You have such a way with words...Swaziland is coming to life for me on this blog. FYI, I'm not sure just how funny you meant this to be, but I have to confess I laughed pretty hard at some of it. I do hope you still have your sense of humor!

  2. I'll share these examples with my students...great for class discussion.
